What is a ChatBot?
A ChatBot is an automated response system that can respond to text messages. Whether it's tech support or frequently asked questions about a certain topic, chatbots are programmed to be capable in answering these messages.
Python Code
In this project, I made a bot that could answer simple questions one might have about climbing. Simple questions for total non-climbers like 'What is climbing?' was included in this code.
Facebook ChatBot
On a similar theme, I made a rock climbing FAQ bot that had premade questions available for my user on my Rock Climbing FAQ page specifically catered towards beginners who wanted to learn more about how to improve, how to start, basic climbing terms etc.
Flow Struggles:
A flow is a series of steps a chatbot can follow to respond to messengers. However, sometimes it can get stuck. Sometimes it won't know the answer, and sometimes it might not flow. When creating my chatbot at first, my user had no way to come back to the available questions, forcing my user to scroll up to reclick buttons, ultimately making my bot inefficient and annoying to use.
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